Friday, April 12, 2019


For the purpose of conducting affairs differently that encompasses revealing previously sheltered activities that is THE HEAVENLY OVERALL ALMIGHTY POWER'S (THOAP'S) Servant's objective as implied in the post THE CREATOR (GOD) (10/29/2019). This post continues from the introductory details included in Addendum 1 that set the stage for the manner in, which the Earth's Dominion was populated & were previously a part of the Prelude in REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR WHAT'S NEW & the former New Arrangement Blog post CONTRIBUTING STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW but is now being included in the New Liveli Blog, which will the "home" going forward for such, since the related developments warrant it to clearly demonstrate what took place that required the executing of an example of respectful conduct in the midst of evil conditions on the part of the Servant Cedar Omega while on the quest/journey effected by THOAP & ushered in through HIS will, really entails as depicted in the below depiction because of its relevance for WHAT'S NEW (10/29/2019). This post as part of the continuum, will focus on The Outcome of These Developments, Laying the Groundwork for Passing the Blame, The Cover-up & Its Impact on This Servant's Journey & The Finale (8/9/2019).

There will be NO protected Assistee(s) outside of WHAT'S NEW, consistent with the details in Figure 3i because of being a potential "pathway" out for those inside, defeating the intent of WHAT'S NEW (10/4/2019). The purpose of this outline is to clearly show how the need for this scenario became a necessity. The unfolding of these details will show the very "sensitive" nature of these events even though much time has elapsed & they were being revealed for the 1st time in a public forum with a desire to explain developments that were not clearly understood, which only THOAP'S will can assist with their organizing into an effective channel (10/29/2019). Based on this, the applicable details will follow to provide details regarding what took place leading to the current state in existence in this Dominion (11/20/2019).

The Outcome of These Developments:
Eve eventually became the "matriarch" of all in the Earth (because of the Mastermind's action (because Olana was indirectly effecting such activities covertly  after the rebirth), which set the stage for Eve (a complex female) to disgracefully eventually become the ("on paper") Matriarch of all in the Earth by the inclusion of this (in the Bible through manipulation) & appears to promote the cause of the complex females subtly specifically & cleverly represents a very sad chapter in the Earth's history in, which to the real Matriarch Olana was removed in a later edition (of the Biblical text& replaced by a complex female, in effect once again showing the manipulative actions of the "Revelation..." Dragon Olana (10/29/2019).
It was because of Biblical works effected by THOAP'S action as indicated in the Introduction section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR WHAT'S NEW INCLUSIVE - Part 1) that it was realized by the Mastermind, Olana that this Servant's journey would require additional action on her part especially with the elevating of herself to deity along with John/Christ as god the son & the mission of Christ a flawed servant (with his sibling John as the real leader who had complex capabilities as the 3rd part of her godhead) to control the New Testament activities being effected in the manner they did that resulted in what the churches model became (11/20/2019).

Laying the Groundwork For Passing the Blame:

On the other hand, the Mastermind Olana, (behind the scenes) continued manipulating these events & ensured that the reason for them (EM) generally & aging, which occurred over sixteen (16) different stages would be passed to all to take the blame for them via the "surprise quiz" (11/20/2019). She (the Mastermind) manipulated the initiation of “operation population” of the Earth from a “big picture” perspective to discover its resources in the hope that these advances would be beneficial for them not realizing what impact the EM aging would have (& as a result, replaced herself as its Matriarch), since she didn't want in to become known that the gorilla female was the main “vehicle” apart from her via, which this ("operation population") was effected primarily & this served Olana's expansion/kingdom “deity” goals (that led to Eve's baby leading to the destruction of the gorilla female in childbirth & Eve's destruction as a result because the primary baby "machine" apart from Olana was eliminated (& Olana was not carrying this heavy load previously done by the gorilla female - 11/20/2019). The final group of aging EM were instituted for these very distasteful activities to bring the total to one hundred & fifteen (115* see the EM Footnote - 10/4/2019).

The Cover-up & It's Impact on This Servant's Journey:
To maintain the idea of a continuous "surprise quiz" the Mastermind effected the various worldwide kingdoms over the course of the Earth's history all dedicated to evil & thereby ensuring that all would be forced to adopt evil in order to survive in this Dominion in effect satisfying the idea of a "quiz" to ensure that the true reasons for the EM would remain uncovered for as long as possible & to thwart this Servant's journey as far as possible from how it was affected by THOAP & based on these complicated set of criteria attempted to ensure that all failed the "SURPRISE QUIZ" & hence were subject to the EM as a result & in this Servant's case implying that I was in this theatre (the USA) illegally by "labeling" me "legally" inconsequential (as further discussed below) via the highest echelon's of judicial power, satisfied this objective & predicted with the description in "The Revelation of..." surrounding this Servant's quest/journey as my "Armageddon" battle (11/20/2019). 
She indirectly manipulated the events for this Servant to be labeled as "legally" non existent in order to achieve her desired objective to ensure control of this Servant's journey & by implying that I was in this country illegally she assumed the identity of "James Brazant" to justify her "existence" in this Dominion because of being unable to demonstrate origins here as the other freeloaders & did not stop until all my remaining 40+ years of memorabilia not already stolen (as documented in the Historical ONLY Conservery Blog post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA & STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW) "taken" as the placing me in chains for rock collecting was intended to effect, as described in Comment #1 from 1/13&16/2018 on the Conservery Dedications COMMENTS 2018 Page to enable the "freeloaders" to, call me a double based on their methods of achieving to give herself & others (freeloaders) legitimacy for being in the US (11/20/2019). This outcome (the "engineering" of my being made "legally" here illegal "behind my back" the "freeloaders" way) enabled those in hiding behind my journey to be made legal "Americans" as pointed out in the Historical ONLY Conservery Blog post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK?; in order to try to effect the implications with regards this Servant's role as indicated above. These outcomes have along with other details formed the basis for my eventual departure from this adopted homeland after these many years (10/29/2019).

The remedy for these events was the effecting of the journey of this Servant, Cedar Omega to show specifically Olana's descendants (& her Melchzeidecs' family) as well as all generally an example of respectful conduct regarding the treatment of others (11/20/2019). Eve's eventually destruction was an example of how the will of THE CREATOR (GOD) was effected from a big picture perspective, because this action limited the "operation" to 254 outposts, the total number of victims in the carnage events as a result Olana's actions from a big picture perspective (11/20/2019).
was for these existing conditions that the stage for the eventual emergence of this Servant Cedar Omega, affected by THOAP with its objective as previously stated to show Olana's 'family" specifically & others generally an example of respectful conduct in addition to the correct way to interact with others instead of what was implemented in the Earth & then attempting to manipulate all into lives dedicated to evil as was the path chosen & by this, maintain the idea of a “Surprise Quiz” that all failed because of choosing evil, to cover-up the true reason for the implementing of the EM (11/20/2019).
From a big picture perspective, the developments in the Earth was an experiment to achieve the desired objectives indicated via THOAP'S Footnote in Addendum 1 as listed in, which Olana was intended to be the only individual in existence & would be a type of "Quarterback" guardian of the living things (11/20/2019). As an alternate ultimately, the Servant Cedar Omega (the backup) was activated & intended by THOAP & through this quest/journey, the example demonstrating the type of respectful conduct that was expected by HIM generally with regards all creation as indicated in Figure 3i, was executed (11/20/2019). THE CREATOR (GOD) will reprise HIS role in WHAT'S NEW with HIS previous ASSIST (the female Olana) replaced by a male because of the developments, which sadly took place, leading to this point in time & there will be no other individuals there as should be depicted in the Figure 2a in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR WHAT'S NEW INCLUSIVE - Part 1 (11/20/2019). 

* Footnote:
These encompassing punitive outcomes that include everything from diseases to hair loss & aging will not exist in WHAT'S NEW, in ALL effected (including living things meaning the diseases & aging processes will NO longer take place & "FREEZING" at the age in time & if any very young were included) they would reach maturity & remaining at that age & age NO further because of the included having pure bodies (10/29/2019). This is scheduled to occur ONLY for any in WHAT'S NEW & when this takes place there will no longer be effects due to the EM conditions & for this Servant reversals of prior conditions effected during my journey will take place in WHAT'S NEW. (10/29/2019).

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