Monday, October 28, 2019

THE CREATOR GOD - ADDENDUM 1 (New 10/28/2019) Update Dates are Below

This post, which was previously a Nu Arrangement Blog post is a follow-up to new New Liveli Blog post THE CREATOR GOD to provide details regarding what took place leading to the current state in existence in this Dominion with this Addendum 1 (that was previously (Nu Arrangement) THE CREATOR GOD - Part 2), focusing on the Additional Background Details, The Initial inhabitants in the Earth, What the Initiator Overlooked as well as Leaving the Past Behind & the Rebirth plus the Conclusion sections (10/29/2019).

dditional Background Details:

THOAP effected this Servant's quest/journey in such a manner that ensured HIS Servant would be tested. Melchzeidec's family (the name adopted by Mey's "son's" descendants as well as their offspring) simply over time allowed themselves to become complacent in the role that she had carved out for them actually believing that they were deity because of her actions. It was the intent that THOAP should be only male to create &/or usher in life respectfully, however since she had violated HIS mandate with regards effecting human via the living things, she had been placed in a special arrangement with HIM to act as a type of "speed bump" to slow her down, which she never liked & this only served to drive the headstrong Mey into achieving her objective (gaining the complex capabilities) more aggressively as far as possible given the limitation that existed. However, having destroyed HIM, she & her offspring/descendants through her "son" Marci, began to act as dictators & owners of the Earth including its resources allowing themselves to believe she was deity.
THOAP had placed Mey & son Marci in a special arrangement with HIM (as previously indicated that made them a part of the same structure as a type of "speed bump" to restrict the production of the inevitable offspring, which she could emerge from as she chose). Passing on these capabilities as Mey discovered come with a downside as discussed below if passed in this manner to anyone who isn't deity & as a result, she was affected & as an outcome eventually encouraged Marci to produce human life via the living things violating THOAP'S mandate in this regard, which she indicates she was unaware of but should have been given her interest in HIS office affairs.  

The Initial Inhabitants in the Earth (10/29/2019):
Mey would then manipulate her 1st granddaughter Olana, via her son Marci, to gain the complex capabilities & she became the focal point through whom all would gain them as this would serve one of her objectives for "arming" the intended males to achieve the desired objective. These actions led to the expanding of the EM that were previously imposed including some forms of aging, (which as it is known today took place over sixteen (16) stages. As a result of her actions the hybridizing of human life to "jumpstart" this outcome on the EM that has effected all females by her determined steps to implement her bold plan to obtain the complex capabilities regardless, is known as "the ways of girls". This EM is so very encompassing that it has been even extended to infant females who are able to reproduce from birth (if intimate activity takes place with them constantly, which causes the fact that they don’t have a monthly cycle to be overridden & tubes to become fully developed) because of this EM all due to her action to gain the complex capabilities.
t this point it must be restated that THOAP does NOT force anyone to do HIS will as all are given the ability to choose, therefore HIS placed "restriction" was a deterrent only & Mey should have known better than to follow the inclination to pursue the capabilities via the living things from her vantage point in HIS initial Dominion. Therefore, having set her sights on desiring the complex capabilities regardless of how or what would become of the offspring she ensured that all other females would be afflicted similarly, underscoring what has taken place in this existing society. She did gain the complex capabilities as previously stated & so did all others of her choosing but this would have very far reaching implications (to be discussed later).
was always Olana's intent to possess these capabilities as previously stated, namely the specific number of offspring with the individual to whom they (the complex capabilities) are being passed, but the downside to having these capabilities via this method is that THOSE TO WHOM THEY ARE PASSED BECOME ADDICTED TO INTIMATE ACTIVITY, MEANING SHE SHOULD NEITHER HAVE PURSUED THEM NOR PASSED THEM TO ANYONE. In this Servant's case, the very unusually sanitized conditions associated with my upbringing was the avenue that aided in this regard as I received no special assistance with regards this eventuality.

What the Initiator Overlooked:

This plan of Mey's would take an extremely long duration to unfold over, because they had to pass on these capabilities to eight (8) male offspring plus herself in order for the destruction of the scale being planned to be carried out, with only one of Olana's sons (from THOAP) Lane being excluded. However, this massacre would serve Mey's purpose of effecting THOAP'S destruction for her revenge scheme for not including her in HIS office affairs. As a result, very many offspring were produced between them (meaning the offspring) & within twelve days after gaining the desired objective, namely the complex capabilities being passed on to all (8) males & herself, they destroyed all in this initial base in the Earth, which did include THOAP (or ADAM). Their half brother Lane (THOAP'S son from Olana) who was excluded by her would become a centrally important figure because unknown to all he was also armed with complex capabilities by Mey but because he attempted to protect someone from the carnage events whom Mey didn't agree with he became a victim in the event as well. As a result, all were destroyed excluding Mey the eight (8) as well as Olana. However, by this time THOAP had been destroyed & Mey got the outcome she had been aiming for with all her scheming. Mey's plan  required the assistance of all the males & for these actions that left over two hundred & fifty (250) victims by this gang of eight (8), manipulated in real terms by Mey the EM were further expanded.

eaving the Past Behind & the Rebirth (10/29/2019)
would adopt the personality & become Paul Arbitrator (the identity she morphed into after the massacre) & went from the upfront architect to becoming the upfront mastermind with Mey & Marci (Lucifer/Adam) continuing to manipulate these actions from behind the scenes as he was starting over with Mey & their family through this avenue would become the Melchzeidecs'. He (Marci/Adam) used himself in this role as "a High Priest of the Most High Order" to give Biblical credibility to tithing. The eight (8) males along with Mey & Olana simply started over from their base in the Earth & (Marci/)Lucifer would become critically important to Olana who needed him to assist her with "operation population" & as a result he would become the "window dressing" mastermind with Mey. Their family would expand & afterwards many others would follow including, the Biblical Eve to mention the one who eventually become the on paper "matriarch". However, from a bigger picture objective THOAP used these developments to:
  1. initiate the eventual emergence of this Servant to demonstrate respectful conduct to Mey & her descendants specifically & all six (6) varieties generally in this scene of the final "conflict" - Earth, resulting from actions initiated by her as well as
  2. to show the outcome produced through those whom life was not intended to occur as well as primarily
  3. to demonstrate how abusive power is when unchecked with no other "force" around to prevent its unbridled nature &
  4. to set in motion the foundation for What's New.
Conclusion (10/29/2019):
THE CREATOR GOD, (THOAP'S) actions effected all these events as previously indicated because HIS will is implemented even though not around as Mey was unaware of & she & her descendants took it for granted that because they were part of the formal Melchzeidec's family (who were Mey's new offspring with Marci because her initial descendants in that base were victims in the carnage) & supposed deity they could get away with anything & she would just carry on as she always had via the manipulation of others (even though Renee/Paul had his doubts, which he did not share with the others) but went along as was Mey's intended objective & she would misled them into believing that it was she was effecting even more than she was capable of carrying out (because THOAP through HIS will had given her what she wanted, namely the ability to implement significant complex capability in the role HE identified her in HIS prophetic works as the Dragon plus the other three evil titles because HE knew she would misuse them to manipulate those in the Earth while passing herself off as deity instead of using them for uplifting & wholesome activities explaining why HE tried to turn her aside from pursuing them & instead tried to get her to focus on softer qualities.
Eve [THE UNKNOWN POWER - TUP)] was in a manner very similar to the gang of eight (8) & Mey (the Dragon) & it was his offspring that led to Olana's demise being "stuck" with the unborn child, which also led to his inclusion as Biblical (complex female) matriarch because of how significant this development was & not recognized as another indication of the will of THOAP to effect events even though not around. Mey carried out or effected the various unique capabilities to the extent permissible but were missed opportunities, which Mey took for granted & incorrectly concluded that because she had effected the carnage activities, these capabilities simply passed to her (as the behind the scenes mastermind) instead of thinking about why they were taking place that led her to the path she was headlong bent on, which would eventually lead to her formal Lord god elevation, in her Bible along with son Marci (who adopted Adam's identity. See the above Lord god link for additional discussion about the mimicking of this unique “arrangement” & its physical implications.

* THOAP'S Footnote:
Mey & her descendants either chose to overlook or didn't take into account the following twelve (12) flawed details because of the evil plans she allowed to consume her, which led to carrying out the actions taken. These conclusions include,

  • THOAP permitted HIMSELF to be excluded from the activities in the Earth history via the avenue that occurred because HE was very much aware of what would take place & wanted no part in it,
  • the effect the very complex EM of aging previously unknown, was never even thought of or considered would have on developments in the Earth over time,
  • human females (apart from Mey) were NEITHER suppose to be in existence NOR producing offspring because of lacking kindness,
  • complex reasoning was a more important quality to gain in females than mothering the desired kindness trait,
  • HIS will was being carried out in this existing Dominion even though given over to evil, (which was needed to show the alternative with the eventual emergence of HIS Servant Cedar Omega),
  • Christ's role of the flawed servant was also needed as part of HIS will, since it set the stage for the eventual emergence of the Servant Cedar Omega in a role that was in complete contrast to the very complex CHRIST,
  • what Mey walked away from would have a significant effect on all of her other female descendants,
  • THOAP'S will can be effected even though not physically around,
  • THOAP'S capabilities were not all passed on to Mey because the indescribable capability to see well into the future was NOT (beyond activities associated with this Servant),
  • THOAP brought about the conditions for Mey to implement her plans because it showed that significant power in the hands of those with less than meaningful & upright objectives leads to the abuse of power, which was demonstrated,
  • THOAP simply allowed Mey & her descendants to continue pursuing their plans until the appropriate opportunity for the emergence of this Servant's quest/journey to demonstrate respectful conduct to them &
  • Mey was completely fixed on her manipulative objective & manipulated Renee's assistance to achieve her objective but he never forgot how she manipulated him to be her "loyal" aid in the Earth's developments over its history.

    dditional details regarding the populating of the Earth can be found in the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW

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