Sunday, November 10, 2019


For the cause of highlighting the various events in the history of the Earth in the various Posts of these Blogs and for addressing their significance in a manner that gives meaningful hope to those effected in truly indescribable ways due to the evil ushered in these Dominions & adopted by the many following the example of Adam Pretender (the Dragon/Mastermind as indicated in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 - 12/6/2019).


This post describes one important aspect of NEW ARRANGEMENT (NA) Inclusive for What's New as depicted in Figure 2a from the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 namely, the inclusion of the one (1) "Grandfathered" individual in What's New, which warrants a stand-alone avenue for demonstrating how this eventuality is achieved, consistent with guidance in Figure 3i (12/6/2019). 

Background Information:

These eighteen (18) significant events in the Earth's history are so significant in their impact in one manner or another such that seventeen Action Angels were used to introduce them & is consistent with what is described in the bulleted listing from the Introduction section of the post  REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 surrounding the quest/journey of this Servant, as discussed in Event #17. These events that introduce the associated events in the Earth's history are as follows below:
  1. The Dragon's decision to manipulate the imposition of the Enacted Measures (EM) for the events initially that eventually led to the "War in Heaven" as described in the Enacted Measures & THOAP'S Glossary Descriptions & for other developments throughout the Earth's history that have totaled 
    on its population (12/6/2019). These very punitive EM that were instituted would eventually effected the Earth's (10+ billion) inhabitants over the course of its history as previously indicated above, - EVENT #1 (11/15/2019),

  2. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind to populate the Earth in manner SHE deemed appropriate to produce human life for, which she became its real Matriarch as referenced in the post REPUBLISHING OF WORTHWHILE & MEANINGFUL - ESPECIALLY FOR MICHAEL whose personality conflict led HER to pay a high price, - EVENT #2 (12/6a&b/2019),
  3. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind to cover up the human body (because of the EM that could be glossed over) because of the terrible decision to convert the human body functions into a "viable product" - EVENT #3 (12/6/2019),
  4. The decision by Dragon/Mastermind, THOAP'S evil personality to introduce currency for the amassing of wealth & then exalt the worldwide kingdom emperors (using different personalities) by abusing the earth's resources, - EVENT #4 (12/6/2019),
  5. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind manipulating the developments leading to demise, of the eight (8) Counterbalances prior to Adam to kept her evil personality alive, which eventually set the stage for the "Surprise Quiz" that all failed as described in The Cover-up & It's Impact on This Servant's Journey section of the post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHATS NEW - EVENT #5 (12/6a&b/2019),
  6. The "operation population" led to another bad decision by the Dragon/Mastermind because of the growing population numbers, namely directly competing with & consuming the Living Things for what was intended to be their food supply & as an outcome relying on the killing of living things for food due to overpopulation involving individuals with "giant-size" appetites, - EVENT #6 (12/6/2019),
  7. The enslavement of other varieties by the Mastermind & her followers to demonstrate why her various decisions over the course of her emergence were justified, - EVENT #7 (12/6/2019),
  8. The decision by Dragon to elevate herself in that posture to the status of "Lord god" and document it in the Bible, - EVENT #8 (12/6/2019),
  9. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind & her followers to manipulate weather conditions leading to many unintended consequences, for example drought & violent storms, etc., - EVENT #9 (12/6/2019),
  10. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind & her followers to clone males as outlined in the post .REBUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - Part 2  - EVENT #10 (12/6/2019),
  11. The decision by the Dragon/ Mastermind to "show" favoritism to one variety from among the six (6) varieties over the others, which are all her descendants that were all effected similar to an SUV, namely a type of car built on a truck frame, meaning that none are in any position to elevate themselves over the others as all are "SUVS"; (this favoritism) led to many conflicts in the Earth's history, - EVENT #11 (12/6/2019),
  12. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind attempting to ensure that the role of the Overcomer could not be used to in anyway disrupt the evil established in this Dominion by continually attempting to disrupt my journey as the Servant Cedar/SP that involved carrying out many atrocities against any generally who could potential serve as an obstacle to the achieving of their desired objective as described in the bulleted listing in the u Arrangement Blog post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1, by bringing about the labeling of this Servant as "legally" consequential as discussed in The Cover-up & It's Impact on This Servant's Journey section of the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW, - EVENT #12 (12/6a&b/2019),
  13. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind to establish the 5th image of her empire to attempt to achieve the above (Event # 12) desired objective, at the continuing expense of MICHAEL'S credibility, to thwart the journey of this Servant as a primary objective - EVENT #13 (12/6a&b/2019),
  14. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind to manipulate the events involving her offspring whom she did not favor over property/resources distribution leading to WW1 and the decision to punish even sections of her fragmented/scattered offspring in Europe (who were supposed to be the descendants of the nation/people of Israel), via WW2 in order to realign the power structure in Europe/Asia resulting in untold suffering (that was most intense over an eight-year period during the 1940's), which are introduced by the ACTION ANGEL WITH TWO (2) FORMS* (See Footnote), - EVENT #14 (12/6/2019),
  15. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind & her followers to encourage the creation of densely populated living centers, EVENT #15 (12/6/2019),
  16. The decision by the Dragon/Mastermind & her followers to encourage the mining for ores, precious stones, etc. & then produce destructive chemicals from some of these ores to bring about her desired objectives, - EVENT #16 (12/6/2019),
  17. The decision by Dragon/Mastermind to manipulate all those who worked (work) to disrupt the journey of Cedar/SP for the purpose of attempting to ensure that the intended objective of demonstrating an uplifting respectful example (affected as) an alternative to what had been ushered in & maintained by her, namely the elevation of evil in all aspects of the Dominion resulting in the very disrespectful treatment meted out to females (that justifies the EM decision regarding the disparity over males versus females discussed in that Glossary Description) continually enjoined in evil pursuits, which should never have occurred; end in failure - EVENT #17 (12/6a&b/2019) &
  18. The complicated nature of complex females in this Dominion that are an unintended consequence of Event #3, which has now been compounded by the capability described in Event #10 that has had a very chilling effect in this society as some of those EffecteD & ListeD in ThE NeW ArrangemenT SeptembeR 2018 CalendaR as well as in the Nu Arrangement Blog post REPUBLISHING OF THE OVERCOMER NOTABLES bear witness to - EVENT #18 (11/15/2019). 
The Concluding Details:
a direct result of these developments that have shaped the Earth's history and as an outcome the actions/events encountered on my journey, are being marked by one important way, (as previously indicated), namely by the inclusion of one (1) "Grandfathered" individual in What's New to represent the total numerical number of events listed above as introduced by the 17 Action Angels throughout the text) to serve as a constant reminder about the very turbulent periods in the Earth, such that the underlying reasons for these events aren't to be fostered in anyway in What's New because of how divisive the events have been, which led to the affecting of the quest/journey of this Servant, Cedar/SP to practically enact what is discussed in Event #17 & is the basis for the "Grandfathered"  individual (12/6/2019). The inclusion/status of the "Grandfathered" individual will be as depicted in Figure 2a of the Nu Arrangement post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1  (12/6/2019).

* Footnote
One of the Angels is described as having two (2) different forms meaning two different events are being represented, namely the two (2) World Wars. However, for the purpose of this post they are viewed collectively as war & ONE EVENT.

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