Monday, November 25, 2019


This post is for the cause of who have been impacted in anyway by some who took it upon themselves to attempt to impede THOAP'S attempt to find a solution for the situation as described in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 centered around the quest/journey of this Servant, which only HE knew the specific details about as indicated below & to, which the details in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE INTRODUCTION OF SP/CEDAR is a continuum (12/28/2019).

Introduction & Details of Importance:
The journeys or SP/Cedar* (see Footnote)  ultimately began with
THE HEAVENLY OVERALL ALMIGHTY POWER (THOAP) from a "big picture" perspective as opposed to the more detailed outlook & the resulting emergence of SP/Cedar, was effected as follows (12/11/2019):

Persona 1 came about through the third (3rd) son of Jacob (Israel), Levi.
Personas 2 through 19 resulted in the High Priest Eli who was a mixture of the olive & cedar varieties resulting from the Nation, which Israel made a peace treaty with when they made their home in the promise land (this nation was purely Cedar) & by the 19 generation this nation had become almost indistinguishable from Israel & had mixed in among the various tribes* (see Footnote  - 12/6/2019).
Personas 20 trough 23 resulted in Hannah who was mainly a descendant of the nation with whom Israel had made their treaty & it took four (4) generations for her to have some olive in her heritage because of the mixing between these two nations, meaning she was primarily cedar (12/6/2019).
Persona 24 to was their (Eli & Hannah's) son, Samuel, the 1st & only High Priest/Judge of Israel.
Personas 25 through 32 resulted in Grandfather George, a descendant of the Biblical Samuel* (see Footnote)
Personas 33 through 36 resulted in this Servant SP/Cedar* (see Footnote) , with the upbringing as discussed in the post


The above outline was intended to show how THOAP effected the quest/journey of this Servant to achieve HIS desired objective as described in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE INTRODUCTION OF SP/CEDAR for HIS Program [consistent with the framework as indicated in the Conclusion section of the post THE CREATOR (GOD)] gets implemented by ALL as appropriate & cannot be impeded by any even though the Dragon did attempt to redirect it with his redwood variety (12/28/2019). Those who followed the Dragon/Mastermind direction without questioning it even though they knew right from wrong & decided to hide their "freeloaders" in the quest/journey of this Servant via their "legally" inconsequential label (as described in The Cover-up & It's Impact on This Servant's Journey section of the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW aren't even aware of the real (varieties that make-up the) ancestry they are relying on to achieve their objective & were confident that they had achieved their objective via this "battle" implemented against this Servant, which enabled them to call me a double in my own identity (12/28/2019). All such abuses were generically realized because of those who concluded that the quest/journey of SP/Cedar* (see Footnote)  was for the most part the answer to problems of their own creation & were satisfied with the outcome that had been achieved from their perspective & had no concern for all who were impacted on the way to achieving the intended goal (12/6/2019).

* Footnote:
Personas 10, 24 & 27 were roles executed by THOAP HIMSELF to effect the Sweet Potato variety in this Servant's heritage on three (3) occasions, the only three (3) such places where HE carried it out to effect this Servant's eventual role in the Earth & bring about what is collectively referred to chestnut but, which is in reality a combination of the cedar & SP varieties & who would eventually become the Overcomer as indicated in Figure 3i & in the Footnote of the post THE CREATOR (GOD); for the intended purpose (12/27/2019).

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