Saturday, September 14, 2019

SUPPLEMENT TO THE CREATOR GOD - (Update Dates are Below)

This supplement to THE CREATOR (GOD) post that was previously a Nu Arrangement Blog post, focuses on the discrete details, which  provided the foundation for what is outlined in the Addendum 1. This post was complied with assistance from THOAP for HER program (regarding abuse of complex capabilities) as well as with "assistance" from some of HER personas (12/12/2019).

iscrete Contributing Background Details:

THE CREATOR GOD (or THE HEAVENLY OVERALL ALMIGHTY POWER - THOAP'S original effected HER Counterbalance Adam who had a very serious desire to possess complex capabilities SHE could pass on & concluded they would be much more beneficial to her than anything else (because they were seen as an opportunity to be on par with HER - 12/12/2019). As a result of this decision, the outcome would have a significant impact on the manner in, which the Earth developed. THOAP wanted her to focus on softer qualities but she didn't recognized what SHE was attempting to achieve & kept her focus fixed primarily on gaining the complex abilities, which with its downside shaped the direction of the Earth because of the path she chose to pursue (12/18/2019). HER approach was in reality a test for Adam because SHE chose to proceed cautiously with her rather than force her down any specific direction even though SHE was aware what SHE intended was in her best interest as a female rather than the gaining of the complex abilities she was preoccupied with attaining (12/12/2019). Since this approach didn't work for the headstrong Adam, SHE followed a different course & manipulated her to hybridize life through the living things for, which Enacted Measures (EM) were imposed & this produced the male Renee & she was  eventually placed in a unique arrangement with HER, which made them part of the same structure to slow her down & restrict her mobility & make her think about the path she had set her sights on because SHE knew the downside, (which is discussed in THE CREATOR GOD - ADDENDUM 1 - 12/12/2019). She became more resolute instead of what SHE intended for her & still expressed very little interest in the area SHE knew was best for her but THOAP doesn't force anyone to do what is best for them HE allows all to choose & she decided to encourage her son to hybridize offspring via the living things, which resulted in his son Renee & then many others & for these actions additional EM were imposed (12/12/2019). Renee turned out to be very disrespectful & didn't have a very long tenure in the initial base as well as the others who turned out to be replicas eventually leading to "war in Heaven" & the carnage it produced (12/12/2019).

The Outcome That Results When Actions are Delayed:
THOAP'S decision to go slow with Adam left HER impatient Assistant (daughter) very uncooperative & bitter & she never really realized that SHE had been attempting to help her achieve initially with her headstrong tendency (12/12/2019). Even though she spent much time with HER in the base she never got to know HER as she should have otherwise she would have recognized what SHE was attempting to help her realize (12/12/2019). She then proceeded down the path that ended very disastrously being even more determined that she knew what was better for her than THOAP & this drove her even after gaining the complex abilities she wanted because she had to wait for them as well (12/12/2019). The unique arrangement she was in slowed her down dramatically but didn't stop her from gaining the capabilities & over the many decades in the Dominion where HER base existed the offspring produced would multiply (12/12/2019).  
With Adam in possession of the desired capabilities, she set her sights on being in complete opposition to THOAP, meaning choosing evil as the path to follow to achieve her objectives, namely enticing all into the same path as she (evil), which was easily accomplished as what has taken place in the Earth bears witness to where she continued to follow this desired goal (12/12/2019).
These developments would eventually set the stage for the eventual emergence of the quest/journey of this Servant for THOAP'S objectives, which were intended to show Adam specifically & all others generally an example of respectful conduct with its relevance for What's New (10/28/2019).

he Conclusion of the Discrete Circumstances:
THOAP would place some of the initial offspring in the Aurora Dominion & its population is mainly comprised of HER Sweet Potato variety descendants (12/12/2019). She Adam (the Dragon) would attempt to confer deity on herself & assume THOAP'S role, which she always envied with some of her descendants (12/12/2019). Through her Melchzeidec high priest order she developed specifically, was for the purpose of conferring the deity on herself & would pass on the complex capabilities to some who are still passing them on* see Footnote. The other events that resulted are discussed in the Addendum specifically & in the post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW (12/12/2019).  

* Footnote:
It must be noted that they are two (2) specific groups around & in possession of these complex capabilities who are passing them on for their intended objectives. 

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